Thursday, September 04, 2008

talk of big dreams....

had a great ride tonight. i cruised home to get the rig and hustle to the park for some miles in the woods. i headed up pineview - into freedom. my trip to the mtb loop was great - cool breeze...good tunes.... check out my new fav band.... Safetysuit....pick a song - enjoy. on that note - why i almost forgot about Semisonic is beyond me.... that should launch you into the youtube vortex for a good 1/2 hour or so.

did 3 - maybe 4 laps with Bob and Kenny...they did more before i got there. my body said "go steady and easy." my boss told me to listen to reason and do what your body is telling you. Good advice. I then headed home and then did 5 hill repeats on the backside of superprime....and that really hurt at the top of #5. My ride home from superprime is easy...feeling great....releasing my troubles of the day. I can say i left my troubles on the road tonight.

Praise the Lord for bikes and the cool breezes that followed me all night. Bob - is going to KILL cheq this year...geez, he has some serious skilz on that ss. Bob - dont ever disagree when I say you are a strong rider. If I can hang on your wheel at Chq I will be surprised.

I chalked it up as 30 miles tonight - some of them easy and some not so easy.....hill repeats the rest of the week. easy rider next week.


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