Wednesday, September 03, 2008

daily lunch special

Started the day right on track - everything in order...except for the fact that I left my wallet at home. Good work Andy. I was very lucky in that I brought 3 microwave mini-tubs of Progresso Beef Soup. Now - these are basically all water and over 1500mg of sodium PER tub. I figure - okay - i can do this. I ended up having all three. with no breakfast this morning - three of these things which i am not going to eat again for a while - no supper...I had a total of450 calories to eat today...i am including the goo thing on the bike ride...oh there was an apple...not sure how many that is. So for basic argument - 450 cal in. I spent 1500 cal for breathing and existing and about what 1500 cal working on a 2550 cal deficit - i was cookin the excess shmuts.

I got home from saving the world today and headed straight to the 4 mile loop deal to meet Dave, Bob and Jay. Spun around and he hammered the trail for what? 2 hours or so....sprint the hills - blast the was fun and was doing just fine - all things considered. the new gear ratio is great - i will pre-ride the course next friday and hope to get a feel for the climbs again and maybe i might kick up the gear ... tough to say.

On the way home I did 4 hill repeats on super prime and met the Wed night group on my last downhill as they were on their way up. I was tired so I am sorry for not really saying hello... Thanks guys for lettin me ride with you tonight - it was rather fun!


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