Saturday, September 06, 2008

Semisonic - couldnt resist and no this is not easy...

My list of crap to get done around the house is growing....first things first....crazy time with family. I headed to Home Depot this morning with Pete to get a new bathroom fan/light combo, switches and wire for a lighting project in a closet and of course hot dogs ... all at the depot. Get home and Pete takes off with the family to go to a friends birthday party - gone all day. I head out for a ride in the park and did about 20 on the mtb. Got home as the rest of the family - Tina, Maria and Dave - drive up. So, I take Dave on a 15 mile ride - the two of us - and we have a blast. I took Dave on various paved trails, streets and Mtb trails - i took three pics of him climbing a steep grade....he was - IS - the king.

A full day with the kids...and also a full day on the bike...all at once. whoda thunk it could happen? Did get caught in some very cold rain however going back home with David. I am not ready for cold just yet. Not at all.


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