Monday, September 01, 2008


Some pics from this morning's ride with the kids...the posy of ninja cyclists ready to roll out (above)

Ninja Pete leading out to bridge to David (above)

Maria in the lead peleton - enjoying being in front of the boys (above)

Maria enjoying the spoils of hard effort - energy depletion (above)

Heading home - a quick pic of the 4 rowdy bikers (above)

(training ride this afternoon) Thats right - I was zippin through the sticks in my "very loud" green Leprechaun kit today. It got the looks alright...I mean - what do you think when all you see is a big leprechaun comin at cha? It happens to be the most comfortable kit I have - no pain at all. NONE...and that means I will wear it and be happy knowing me arse wont go south in Cheq.

My goal was to get close to 3 hours of riding or 35 miles - either one would work. I forgot to check the clock but google pedometer was clear - 35 miles (give or take a few tenths here and there...) I modified the route that Dahl has set up and added in the trail (up and back) to the Chalet...I think that makes the loop 6.7 miles instead of 4 miles. So I had 3.5 loops and the getting there and going home on the horse trails. I did get stopped by a very nice lady on a 4-wheeler - trail patrol. I knew i was on a hiking trail that specifically said NO BIKES about 10 feet back so I spun around hopped on the bike part - did about half a lap and headed home.

It was hot today - I went through lots of water today and I was amazed that many people dont ride without water...heck...there was this runner on the MTB TT course that was totally spent - sitting in the shade and she looked really bad - I handed off a spare bottle I had and said I would be back around in a bit - hope she is okay - she had 10 miles to go to get home...geez - dehydration is literally a killer. Salt for thought - on the hot century days - we would go through about a gallon and half of liquid - that is close to 15 lbs of fluid lost in 5-6 hours on days like today.

the bike is rather dialed in right now - a few tweaks here and there - and I am ready for the showdown to beat 2:59....goals this week are to ramp up 300 miles ( or hours equivalent) and then spin light with a taper prior to the race.

So today - 12 with the kids and 35 at fast spin interval training....with 3 super-prime hill repeats at the end....that should somewhat tell me that cheq should be okay.... cuz once you add in race day adrenaline - the ability to chase down riders instead of chipmunks - and the faster hard pack of that course (Lord willing) I think i am

now that is green

home made colnago head-tube logo...

shortened handle bars - by three inches

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