Thursday, January 25, 2007

Do you know who this is?

So do you know him?
Take a look. Cold weather rider. Wet weather rider. Making it work the best he can. Why? for the ride - simple enough. Yes it is a drawing of a pro rider from days since past - one of the guys I used to watch for in Velo News in college. It serves as a reminder when I just didn't feel like getting off my butt cuz it was a bit dreary outside. The real picture paints a better story. In taking the time to draw this many moons ago, I got lost in the image. For us, being cycling nuts, fanatics - as I heard once " one step short of crazy is passionate" - this is the look we strive for.

When the sun is out - yeah your gonna ride. When it is cloudy with the hot damp air about you - you bet. I like those days. When it is 120% chance of cold and crappy??? Those are the days you measure your worth both in the physical and the mental. As Neil has said " hey, you made it out - that's what counts."

I missed the road today. I missed making the turn out of the south end of Elm Creek to see a spec of yellow waiting at the stop sign - another friend, another memory - the smile, the nod and the exchange of smiles. Leaving our titles and accolades behind for a moment in time to share the love of a sport we hold so dear.

So when I made it home this evening after spin class - there he was...on the wall with that grimace, that grit and desire. So I had no choice... on with the shoes, the gloves and the hat... the ride tonight was thick with memories.