Sunday, June 01, 2008

Dont drink directly from the hose...

After a rather fruitful musical adventure last night - I was just about ready to hit the bandwagon...seeing that of the 5 readers that jump on this site only one was not there...I will elaborate for you big Mexican diner.

Birthday parties are usually held to support, celebrate and otherwise give to the birthday girl (in this case)...not get loaded on someone else’s dime and hoard the mic for karaoke with your cycling home boys. Yes, we showed up to a great party - big time, band, open "lemonade" stand and great weather. when with certain people, things tend to escalate quickly and that is exactly what happened when Neil and I were having fun with gin and tonics and got to the point where we weren’t even requesting songs but rather putting in a disc and letting it play ALL the songs on the machine and trying to sing them. I think we tried to sing one of them, the rest were trashed. THEN there was this guy that came up, after the first one, and seriously asked if we were trying to sound bad to make fun of people that really do sing them well.... I see karaoke in two ways - there are those that really do well, they have fun and know what they are doing and it is GREAT to hear people do well.....then there is Neil and I drunk and we just wanted to have a blast....I like it best when people step outside the box a bit to trying something they normally would not -

Anyhoo - good times and I felt like CRAP the day after. So Sunday rolls out and it was time to hit the trails - I need more miles and what a great way to do it on the mt bike ss. I head to the park, head clockwise and end up on the MTB TT and did that 3 times, then took the ski trails for about 5 miles more up and down - killer and painful. End up on the south side again and head home via city streets - ran out of water about mid ride and I was super dehydrated from last night. The bike shop was closed so I rode around until I found a spigit on a business - filled up a bunch and headed home. it was a good 20 miles today on that beast and it was good to ride in the heat once again.

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