Friday, June 20, 2008

back is back

at least I rode for 2 hours plus today in and around the park - no major pain. I tried out a new WTB seat - I had no idea what was best but I know what I had was horse hockey. I realized that I have this ice age seat post that is tall and the bolt thing actually pushes up against the bottom of the seat when I sit. hmmmmmm new seat post? ALSO I was trying to put the front derail on and at the shop the "Tech" was working a stuck bolt out and broke off the braz-on for the front derail....single front it is by way of old weld.

its okay - I rode today with minimal pain and rode well. I basically did 2 laps along with a TT on the OXBOW TWO STEP.... wasnt all that bad at 5:19....I can live with that considering I have not ridden much at all.


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