Sunday, June 22, 2008

Curvey Martin came in second place

Weird - I just woke up at 530 am and decided to bike. I opted to jump all over that b/c Tina was working today and that means - usually no biking and a list of things to do. ANYHOO, I got on the bike - realized I should stretch my back first....then rolled out to elm creek via super prime.

I got to the entrance and decided to see just where my fitness was at. Just over 100miles last month - thats it b/c sprained discs in my back means - ouch when riding. Never mind the 50-60 hours of work in office or home. Ok, pitty party - I'll shut up.

I figured there wouldn't be many out so I tried the Elm Creek Time Trial but in reverse (clockwise) in single speed mode 42x15. Thinking there was some cosmic benefit to reverse I guess looking back, counter clockwise would be best b/c you end on a flat (thats if you start where I start - far north entrance where just at the base of the hill to the left of super prime). I headed out past Hayden Lake, then the towers, pet park, the shire, the switchback,past the troll bridge and then all the way going north on the west side of the park are big up and downs - big enough that when I am tired they suck.

I know I am not going to break any land speed records considering my fitness....Lord knows I am not going to beat my time last year of 38:10 single speed but one thing is for sure - I did beat Curvey Martin. For the non-trailhead cyclsits here - Curvey Martin is a mythical rider that always rides at 20mph - no matter what. Curvey is fast up hills and is slow on downhills. It is just a benchmark to measure where you are at.

Well, I rode the TT at 20.4 average and didnt look at the time. I kept the spedo on avg and then just rode home. I did snap a pic. I think if the math is right - 20.4 avg on 13 miles is like 38:13 but I think the loop is just over 13 miles so I am sure it is much higher. mid 38? I have a long way to go but you cant beat riding on a morning like this!


jorgehuevo said...

where in the world are you my man, we miss you in all the rides,well wherever you are i wish you a fast recovery in youre back injury, and hope to see you in shop rides more often, anyway, maybe i see you tonite at trail head, or rotach's house, take care and get well soon


Anonymous said...

jorge - thanks - i was in the black hills this past week for a LONG OVERDUE vacation... I am subject to many core building excercises to help the back - getting better but it isnt fast recovery. I have to get back into shape - i have lost just about everything... soon - very soon...commuting more now.