Saturday, March 14, 2009

funny how you just shut down...

So today I was a bit tired...not so much the work week but the mental rings of fire that I have been going through the past month. Details are best spelled out over wings and fact...not worth going over anymore. The first ring of fire is done and I am sure I will be asked to jump through more before June.

So I get home from work and picking up Dave from a Boy Scout event and I sit for a second...then started to turn into a couch blob. The family is busy about getting ready for bed and I go upstairs to tuck in Maria while Tina was already asleep by this point. I go to the couch to read the paper and poof...i wake up 6.5 hours later on the couch and I am awake at 330 am. wide awake.

Gotta love it. So - catch up on the emails - read through some blogs - finish that movie from 2 days ago (doing that next) and will partake in the goodness of a quick nap prior to more boy scout stuff at 7am then will vanish on the bike for extended riding on Sat. 40 some degrees is a bonus. Get your fenders out and ride like the wind.

The point is - its kinda funny how when you have gone too far either mentally or physically - your body knows when it is time to power down whether you are ready or not. At least I was sitting down when it happened.

see ya on the road


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