Thursday, August 07, 2008

no more spin in my legs

Headed out for a quick on/off road spin in the park last night....made it to the southern end and ran into Jorge and Joe going clockwise. Jorge looking stylish as always. I spun around on the 29er (36x17) and proceeded to do the outside loop with the guys. I am not sure how fast we were going but I do know that i sounded like a semi-trailer with bad tires humming louder than I could talk. Jorge said it was a cool down ride - maybe for him but for me I was maxed - pegged and otherwise really pushin hard. I should be glad - it was a GREAT workout to peg it like that. Jorge - you are always the gentelman. thanks for letting me tag along. When I headed out for that ride I really didnt want to go - i had enough to do at home prior to the weekend but as fate would allow - good friends, great weather and a bike - a combination one could enjoy for a lifetime.

1 comment:

jorgehuevo said...

anytime for you andy
