Saturday, August 02, 2008


Have been riding the 29er a LOT and it is a blast. Took the 36x17 (61.4 gear inch) 29er out on the EC trails to test the gear inch on the slower trails. Suprised myself with the ability to hold this gear for 2 hours on trails - if you have ridden cheq and EC horse trails - you know that the EC trails are a bit more accute - less speed but it mimics the climbs. I should be just fine on the 17t cog. Last year i lost my water bottles in the first 10 miles with the rough hills....the camalpack should help with this. I will also ride at 30 psi or just under. It is amazing how much you notice 2 psi here or there.

I am excited b/c I will be staying with some old high school friends friday night and then my buddy Pete Taylor at his cabin on Sat night and will do a low intensity single track race on Sunday - it might be just a ride - not sure.

Looks like I will be trying to head to LaCrosse for a 12 hour single track team event mid august....should be interesting.

Thats it.


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