Monday, January 21, 2008

more cold weather riding

had the chance to ride today...inside. Okay, i know there is some virtue in riding inside. it is time on the bike vs time not on the bike. I get it. reading through LaLondes virtuous blog entries, I noticed he takes it a bit more serious... read here ... Well, he aint the champ of Cheq for nuthin.

I was granted a TH gift card from my sister in law for Christmas and today it was spent - new cold weather full gloves. I had to try them out so into the garage for more riding. I have a heater in the garage but I had to keep it off - and had to keep the jacket on. Watched the Incredibles wilst spinning - great cracks me up. I couldnt help but think about outdoors so from now on at least a ride a week outside - snow or whatever.

I agree with Neil - it seems that everyone is a bit serious this year. This is good - why not take your desire seriously? Just remember - Hemi is rollin on the rollers right now - no matter what time it is. he didnt earn that name for sluffing with chips n salsa on the sofa.

My new approach this year is to follow in Wonderboy's steps and honestly ride to work as much as humanly possible. I am not confident in reaching his goal but to come close would be a great asset to riding and to the pocket book as we climb the gas price ladder.

thats it -



Anonymous said...

"I agree with Neil - it seems that everyone is a bit serious this year"

It's just a common misnomer that creeps into ones brain this time of year. You start to beleive everyone but you is training hard. Of course blogs don't help. It's all just smoke & mirrors...

Anonymous said...

well, i suppose i could join the fight and state my training accomplishments today but in reality i drank two beers and had too much pot roast for dinner....oh, but i did move my cycling shoes from the car to inside the house - so, i guess i did do some arm work outs today...

Anonymous said...

almost forgot - i did play Wii today - tennis - and actually threw out my arm...funny how all this cross-training can catch up with

nerdman said...

double century!!

Erik said...

tonight i am laying on the couch blogging when I should be downstairs lifting.....