Tuesday, January 01, 2008


okay - a bit different for me - in my usual extended quest for the latest youtube vid....and I call it the youtube vortex - much like the appletini vortex - I get lost quickly. why the drummer? I played drums from the sixth grade to the end of college - not great by any means but could hold my own. I loved it - it was a cool part of my life...now I just annoy people at work by playing on the desk and of course while singing into the steering wheel, the dash board is now my set.

One of the best out there, and there is a saying that drummers are a dime a dozen, is JoJo Mayer. Technique is outstanding, speed is blazing, control is tough to understand. he can and does double for the late buddy rich - this solo is simple in that it isnt showy at all but to a drummer - you will watch it over and over wondering how he does it. google vid or you tube jojo mayer on your next trip into the wormhole - his band is called Nerve.


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jorgehuevo said...

whoooaaa i used to be a rock-and roll star in mexico too


Anonymous said...

$20 seez you were el presidente too.

Erik said...

el presidente is a great mexican brandy of friend of mine is into.......

Erik said...

you linked me to your blog. I made on the canibal. Now I am in the big time!