Monday, January 28, 2008

1.28.2008 15 miles for the ride in.

the ride in - on the jukebox - various songs from sum41, soundgarden, nirvana, puddle of mudd, alan jackson and some techno rave song that I'm sure would sound really cool live in a club - but that's another story.

30deg when I left - 80% humidity - 10 mph wind - come on - this is Jan? I was blessed with the gift of watching the sun crest the eastern horizon en route. So the ride in was a victory and I'm sure I will suffer if I do this when the weather drops once again but for now I will commute and love it. I have to get some miles in early - for no real reason other than I hate going to the gas station and watching my belly grow while I dump more petrol into the tank of the beast when I could have ridden in.

Despite the warm temp this morning - the Coon Rapids Dam managed to pull off another brisk crossing. Well, it is rather exposed, the wind channeling down the river has had a chance to cool down - alot - and when it whisks up and over the dam - it was literally snowing ice shards of river water on the left side of my - above freezing ride yet I was almost frost bitten by crossing the damn dam.

Coffee at Caribou - weird looks - a couple of thumbs up - good to be alive.

1 comment:

Erik said...

Dude, can't go wrong when riding to the sums!