Tuesday, January 08, 2008

i am now turning into Erik Speaks...

A Fox, a Wolf and a Whole Lot of Bull

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Anonymous said...

As a pro-war republican I have to say I LOVE RON PAUL.

I fought in Afghanistan and then Iraq. I voted for Bush twice. I even til this day have some parts of me that strongly support this war. However, this man is SOOOO lucid, and his arguments and logic are dead on. You can not argue against them because their right.

Anyway...the biggest casualties of this war is our civil rights and our economy. The government is listening to phone calls without warrants (in violation of USSID 18 and the fourth ammendment), they are suspending habeas corpus for prisoners at GTMO, they are creating a Gestapo in the form of the "Department of Homeland Security" and all the while, they're allowing the Federal Reserve to Debase our currency and destroy our economy.

Restore the Republic and legalize the Constitution! Ron Paul 2008.

Anonymous said...

I am truly honored......

Erik said...

There is lots of talk about the left wing media. This is a perfect example of a right wing hatchet job on one of their own. Ron Paul is a libertarian that sees things from the vantage point of history and facts. He sites sources and sites historical facts. It is ironic that when arguing against him the media and giuliani (who if you listen to acts like he was pulling people out of burning buildings himself) were very much arguing around his points by calling him unpatriotic, putting words in his mouth, and devolving into discussions about 911 conspiracy theories. This is how many intelligent, thoughtful, people have felt for a long time, many of whom who have served this country.