Thursday, April 30, 2009

one of those days...

Today was a fog to say the least. little sleep over the past two days but all is well with Pete - tired but doing well. Lack of sleep and too much worry had me ineffective at work. The thought of sleep was dancing in my head all day and when I should have slept I went for a ride in the wind. Maybe it was what was needed to clear my head.

the ride went dead into the wind and it was flat against our backs on the way home - others will post the details but it was a mix of hard efforts and regroups. The aerobars came in handy here and there but not in the pack - of course. once again I became the lead-out man which is great - pull hard...then a little more till you about loose it and watch others sprint the prime...not intended but it sure turned out that way - it okay. It's tough to beat Neil and Perry when they rock it...heck its tough to beat them anyway -who am I kidding?

A big round for Pat Smith and his ability to really hammer it out - Pat...I saw you smiling the whole time and after spending so many hours in the shop spinning this really paid off!

I should apologize for some of the words spoken recently in regards to the ride on Tuesday - so I apologize and give explanation in that I was for some reason blamed by a few here and there for what happened. It was bad that things fell apart, it was bad that it didnt come back together but it wasnt for a lack of trying - hence why I got bent out of shape. Tonight played out well and we finished together and had a lot of fun - I hope it can be like that every time. enough said.

maybe see you on Sat


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