Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I love free speech - so does Erik Speaks...LOL

with that being said - I guess I should say that drawing the line at some point has to happen. in this case, attacking or approaching a friends character is that line for me. I may cross lines, of course I do, but it is important to own up to internal mess-ups and just move on.

I am careful to not praise men (people in general term) as we all fail but I will defend my friends to the end and will also hurt my friends - we tend to hurt those that are closest to us. Neil is a good friend and an encouraging person till the end - I have crossed lines with him and owned up to my mistakes face to face.

If the mystery writer has issues with my friend - just take it up with him face to face cuz it wont happen on my humble comments section...geez, I speak as if my blog has a national platform but it doesnt.

Enjoy the blog for what it is - an outlet for me and if others like to read - great...you can read.


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