Sunday, April 20, 2008

stroll through the park....and then some

Opted for a wonderful ride around the park tonight. 1.5 hours of blissful riding and conversation. With who you say???? Terry on the recumbent. Met him about 1/4 of the way through the park and what an interesting - well educated guy. Topic? Origins of holidays, religious markers etc etc. Now much of the things we talked about - I knew about already... " like why did we settle on Dec 25th for Christmas...Why is it called Christmas...Very neat, very fascinating things and all very true - if you dare to look up history books or read your Bible. Also - this is cool - why on earth do we use a pine tree and where did that come from and why is it not-Biblical to do so? Heck - even the whole celebrating birthdays came up....As you can see, there was much talked about - much to think about...All while riding in the dark with There were many subjects from war to end time prophecy that was discussed and I must say that if I were to bring them up here - the comment section would be extended and added to for a while - so I wont.

Bottom line - it was enlightening and refreshing - not freaky.

with that - a total of 18 miles on the rat bike - and many things to look up now.



Erik said...

Bring them up Andy! The exchange of ideas is what is great. When people stop exchanging ideas that is when the real problems begin!

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to research/look up prior to opening a can of worms. being somewhat educated prior helps in the proper communication of ideas... it was pretty interesting....okay - like the pledge of allegience ( its original form vs. the new form and WHO added what for what reasons.) that was an interesting read and how it relates to Biblical issues...also the funny one - which i knew about - the Christams tree and how it is more or less - spoken against in various passages ( Bible) most noteably in Jer 10:3 - in with Nimrod etc... it may not seem like much but the bottom line is looking at the origins of some of our traditions and how they contradict the Word of God - there are many others of course but this should crack the can of worms for now

Anonymous said...

better reference - jer 10:2-4 kjv
2Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Anonymous said...

Andy, in answer to your pledge question - it is true - the original version had no mention of United States or God...until the 1950's...'54 I believe. And it was with MUCH debate and fight that it was then changed to its final form - adding Under God - by direction of the Knights of Columbus... thought you would like to know a bit more.

nerdman said...

Eckhart Tolle