Saturday, September 12, 2009

the un-ending hills

very nice (warm / buggy) day 2 ride. [blogging from phone so spelling isnt the greatest]. left the driveway at 1pm and got back at 5pm with a water break at the bike shop for 20min or so and they r bizy. jaytwas fixing a wheel and it was nice to catch up.

i did horse trails, mt bike trails, urban and hil repeats at the chalet. it was 15 in a row (10 on ski hill then 5 on tubbing hill) then i puked half way up climb 15. nice i guess but not nice. cleaned the taste out of my mouth at the chalet and i am sure the people there for the wedding reception were not happy 2 see me walking into the building the throw up all over.

took it easy home. recovery foods and 4.5 hours on the 36x16 to take it easy 4 the week.


AndiR said...

Maybe this is wrong of me, but I am laughing so hard at the thought of you walking into a wedding reception post puke...I might have the giggles for days.

Congrats on pushing through a tough ride--you will kill it at Cheq! Good luck!

Home Skillet said...

it was kinda funny really...the guy at the door greeting people took a double take when i got to the entry way...i had to assure him i was NOT here for the party..he was happy. as cool as it may be to say i puked, that feeling is unsettling to keep riding - yuck...ahhhhh well i guess its easier this week with lots of light rides and lots of sleep...Friday come quickly!

AndiR said...

I'm still very, very bummed that I won't get there this year...why couldn't Cheq be this weekend (like it was last year)? Phooey! Such an awesome event to take in. Ah well, one more week of training for you, even if your easy = hard for the rest of us :-). GOOD LUCK!!!