Monday, November 03, 2008

So many ask...

So, who you gonna vote for?

Well, seeing that so many in politics are of the same ilk - with no grasp on the middle class no matter what they say - i have to boil it down to some basic key points that means something to me. After all - it is my vote - my opinion etc.... looking back after writing this - it is more like free-association more than collected, organized thoughts. feel free to criticize.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Declaration of Independence - 1776

Life - point one for me. This is simple to me and complicated to others. I have a real problem with baby killers - thats right - abortion. Anyone that promotes this - especially partial birth abortion as it is wicked and evil - God pitty their soul. black and white to me - and i think that all that are reading right now are glad that they were not aborted.

Liberty - the freedom to act. Go to a third world or socialist nation - heck leave America and see what life is like without Liberty. We have been blessed in America with Liberty and our fore-fathers died for this right against the guns of Brittan. We have liberty to live without the government paving each step we must take. we have free enterprise to ensure good services rendered....let gov take over sectors of private life and then we can belly up to the government trough...not my idea of is bondage.

Pursuit of Happiness - not the promise of happiness but the ability to pursue a dream. tough to do when your daily and life's work is being undercut. free market enterprise vs. socialistic ideals....create a more socialistic nation and you squash the very happiness out of most. I fail to see the advantage of letting gov control and govern over the daily on-goings of private enterprise. I am not an expert at all - just fed up. do i think its perfect now? Nope...just saying to promote more control by gov...take more from us to pay for such things "charity at gun point (socialism)" is not my idea of what is good for the people. just me and my untrained thoughts.

Other than the these - and I may have miss-represented them - is the character of the person and their background. In my line of work - this means EVERYTHING as it is a measuring stick for ones intent or long term goal. I am actually surprised that Obama has made it this far to be honest. there is no way in God's green earth that he could be hired in our circles yet he is running for office? i wont get into this. ... ok a bit... a good friend mentioned - in so many words " so he had a wacky pastor in the past..." well, this wacky pastor was about as un-American as it gets and very vocal about it...this alone would in any other security cleared environment - exclude him from gaining access....I guess being a God fearing - Christ loving man - the litmus test is the Bible and in the case of "that" church - for this thoughts sake - I would have to say - yikes.

Aint to keen on McCain either as he is pretty liberal for republicans sake - so where or where is Ron Paul? At least he stood on the Constitution and the founding principles by which this nation was built. I dare say that this is becoming American the Unrecognizable.

I think we all know that once in the office - not many have been able to make the changes they "say" they are going to make - we have checks and balances to even the power and not have one sided options. What I would say is 'what has this person done with what is lay before him? ' I love the ads about - Bush being so horrible - try leading a nation in the face of attack on our own soil...have we forgotten this already? oh, and the one about how the economy is horrible? really? the stock market turns south - its a gamble anyway - and all of a sudden, Bush is the martyr hung out to dry? You could have had Gore in there 8 years ago...and would it have been different? sure, either good or bad. would we have had more attacks on American soil? who knows. Good thing for the employment of spooky intel operators that protect our boarders. shoulda, coulda, woulda....

Change will happen no matter what - which is why I didnt understand O's campaign. Geez - McCain is pretty far to the left as far as Republicans, if we could have another Reagan - that would be worth a thousand elections. This nation is slipping away from its identity and former self - its like people are following the yellow brick road to Oz to only find that the dream they were following was just a normal person with smoke and mirrors.

The next 4 years should be interesting and I fear that we will be the next Canada, Sweden or KSA...


Anonymous said...

هذا هو بلدي الآن. الحمد لله

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with much of this--but I really have to point out that you are lucky you have never been date raped at a young age. It's not a flippant decision for many and I'm sick of people judging those of us who've had to live through such a horror, as "evil". Maybe at your simple level it's black and white...but it's not for those who've actually had to live through it.

Home Skillet said...

feel free to vent all you want - not that there are that many readers - I am not going to debate not going to change your minds nor is anyone going to change mine...the beauty of free speech/thought etc....unless that is going to go away too...

Anonymous said...

I know I can vent here and am not looking to change anyone's mind either...but rather want to be a reminder that "evil baby killers" are real people, friends--and people of Faith as well. Just keep that in mind. Yes, freedom of speech is important--but it can be hurtful.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the poster, killing babies is evil. That's just a fact. Likewise, rape of any sort, is a heinous evil as well. There is no denying that.

However, we are instructed not to repay evil with evil, and to further more overcome evil with good (A paraphrase of Romans 12:17-21).

The unfortunate circumstances (even evil circumstances) that lead to the conception of a child, do not warrant committing additional evil.

Of course, I'm fortunate to never have had to face the situation. Also, I have enough to worry about being responsible for my own evils, so I do not judge anyone who has had an abortion...even though I think it's murder.

Erik said...

Andy, first off, I understand what you are going through. I have to say that I have been there. It gutted me that Bush got a second chance. But, I survived it. And the country did (barely). Please don't reduce yourself or the debate to referencing those that have had abortions as "baby killers". Quite frankly, it is un christlike in my book and does nothing to move the debate forward. That is where you will win. I love you bud. Hang in there.

nerdman said...

Is Obama not a Christian?

nerdman said...

Help me out here...

Anonymous said...,%20papers/quotes%20etc/Reagan_time_to_recapture_our_destiny.htm

Anonymous said...

Was Reagan a Christian?

Home Skillet said...

first - define what it means to be a Christian...there are always lots of definitions of this - depending on what the individual wants to really commit to. Just curious....

nerdman said...

The red letters baby.

nerdman said...

If you go to the source it isn't that gray at all. Love your enemies, hope for everyone, give all you have, IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU, turn the other cheek, feed the hungry, house the homeless, and cheer for EVERYONE to find Him. Christ was all about change. Why do you think they killed him?

Erik said...

Okay, this is where I jump in. I get what both of you are saying. I have to say that this is a trap christians fall into, deciding who is a real christian or not. If Reagan was a christian or not, in my mind, is not the point. The question is whether his policies were "Christ Like". Colin Powell made the same point two Sundays ago when referencing whether It mattered that Obama is muslim (he is not) Andy, I know you love Reagan and what you think he represents in Conservative thought. I think reality is a little different. Might I remind you that many of the policies he espoused have caused many problems regarding foreign policy. Blow back with Al Quaeda, and Sadam. Instability in South America. The "Drug War", Massive Debts (Reagan did not have small govermants or balanced Budgets). The shift in wealth away from the middle class. These are some of the roots of the problems we are dealing with today. Reagan was a great orator and inspired many (Barack, to much criticism, has praised him for this). We have to deal with the reality of his presidency, which I might argue, is much different than the reality.

Anonymous said...

i was just asking about what Christianity is defined as. I have heard some say it is admitting you are a sinner, trusting in Christ alone as your Saviour in that what he did paid for those sins. then i have heard the far out versions that salvation is just a having a positive self-image of yourself. the former being the base root of the red letters - the fruit of salvation would be the loving your neighbor as you would love yourself. just asking - and you are right - who cares and there is no way i can know - but i do believe that being a Christian, as it pertains to the former Biblical definition, is imperative as a leader of this nation - a nation that was founded on the principles of the Bible. just asking - and with Obama's ties to many muslim groups, people is a source of concern to me. understanding the muslim intent is important - and this comes by way of working in it day in / day out with those that converted out of islam to Christianity and speak loudly of Islams intent to debilitate western worlds by any means possible. not my words - those of prior islamic followers. i know some disagree and want to pass it off - thats fine - read the book infiltration - you might change you mind on that area - not that you addressed it - geez, i have to run wire in the walls - gotta go. I also ask - "define Christianity" b/c everyone has a different definition of it that means something totally different - so when Barack says - I am a Christian - i say cool - but I would be curious of what he terms Christian...heck I have to ask myself that from time to time - this is way off the subject - just had a bit of coffee here.

Erik said...

I don't necessarily believe that this nation was founded on the principles of the bible. Thomas Jefferson was not a "Christian" His personal writings demonstrate that. Ben Franklin was not a christian. Many of the founding fathers were Deists. There is a reason that "Creator" is used in the Declaration of Independence. Look at the wording. Notice "natures God". Not "Christian God"




When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Ammendment 1 of the constitution:Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This country is not a "Christian Country" We are a secular country with alot of Christians. The right continues to say we are country founded on "Christian Values". Just saying it over and over againg does not make it true.

Home Skillet said...

well Erik - much can be said in this area...yes i have read and have a copy - thanks. it really depends what history books you read - and not all are the same.To quote some of those Americans...Benjamin Franklin, considered a deist by many, said, "He who shall introduce into the public affairs the principles of a primitive Christianity, will change the face of the world." And Thomas Jefferson, also considered a deist, said, "The reason that Christianity is the best friend of government is because Christianity is the only religion that changes the heart." Jefferson is even quoted as having said, "I am a Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ."

George Washington, the father of our nation said, "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible."

Erik - this can go on forever - the doctrine of Christ was and should be the cornerstone of this nation - well, it still is if one chooses to follow the articles/documents before established. we have moved away from it as a nation but not as people. and the whole septaration of church and state thing - like in schools - is sure you respond to that one too. i may be moderate in some areas but not in most - as this nation, speaking as a gov - moves away from the principles of the Bible - so also God moves away from this Nation. That has been evident for years.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the first amendment: If you understand its purpose, you truly understand that it is designed to protect religion from the government, and to protect the man of conscience from being forced to support a religion or belief that he abhors. It is not designed to protect the government, it is designed to protect the people and their faith.

Setting aside the religious affiliations or intents of our founding fathers, it is important to recognize that whether or not "Christian Values" were the foundation of this country, the intent has always been to let men worship freely in accordance with their own conscience.

An interesting thing to read is "A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom" written by Jefferson in 1777. Do not read the "excerpts" that you see on the Jefferson Memorial. Read the bill, as it was written. It is wonderful...(you can find it easily through Google)

jorgehuevo said...

god bless america

Erik said...

God Bless Humanity.