Monday, November 17, 2008

Pass along of cyclilng quotes I found funny and true

"Cats don't like riding on a matter how much duct tape you use."
-- Anonymous

"What's with these recumbent bicycles? Listen, buddy, if you wanna take a nap, lie down. If you wanna ride a bike, buy a >#*%^* bicycle."
–- George Carlin

"The world is my church, the wind in my ears is the choir and my handlebars are the alter I pray at."
-- zcubed

"Cycling is just like church - many attend, but few understand."
Jim Burlant

"My favorite courses are nasty, technical downhills that frighten my mom."
— Josh Ivey

Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world.
--Grant Petersen

thanks A.Anderson

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