Sunday, November 16, 2008

crazy stuff...scary.

Rick Warren - pretty amazing to say the least. this is a spiritual opinion post so stop reading if you dont want to read on.

I was reading through a pass-along of information by a linguist friend of mine who was a convert from islam to Christianity and had to flee their former country as a result of their choice - in fear of their life. this linguist called me up and was livid about this guy named Warren and what he was doing to promote the union of islam and Christianity. I really didn't know what she was talking about so I read through the info - checked here and there was not good.

Here is an evan. pastor of a mega-church asking Allah for forgiveness, citing Syria as a peaceful moderate nation well, it is NOT at all. there is NO connection of islam to the gospel of Jesus Christ and in reading through - you can search it out on your own as it is not that hard to do so - the material - i was disgusted that a pastor of the gospel of Jesus Christ would promote the union of islam/Christianity.

so - here is another fine example of the truth be distorted, twisted and tucked away. spiritually speaking - there is a vast difference between Christianity in the born again sense and islam - there is a reason why in many muslim countries that one would be put to death for converting to Christianity - they know the difference....where did Warren get messed up?

never have been a fan of Warren in the past - this really set me off - why is this nation and/or its people continually blurring the line of right and wrong? this is another prime example of infiltration.

interesting site...

another one.....

feel free to vent any personal opinion - bottom line is even our churches are being led down the path of compromise and being told to be tolerant of false doctrine.


Erik said...

Not all muslims are radicals. The vast majority go to their church and worship just like you or I.

Anonymous said...

just stating the fact - which was not new to me by any means - that Islam and Christianity share nothing...I just thought it extremely odd that Christian pastors would blur that line. I work with many if not a majority of Muslims - every the office, on the phone, in person etc.. you are right - not all declare Jihad in their morning prayers...they are just like you and I in many respects - but not a single one would ever say that Christianity and Islam are of the same family. Many discussions have led down that path and we end up in agreement that they are on opposite ends of the spectrum from one another.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who would declare that the God of Abraham in the Bible is the same God of Abraham in the Koran understands neither of them.

Of course, if you're a Vishnuist, you will undoubtedly know that Krishna advised Arjuna that, "Even those devotees who, endowed with faith, worship other gods, worship Me only, O Arjuna, but by the wrong method!" The Bhagavad-Gita (Chapter 9 verse 23)

So, if Krishna was telling the truth, all of us are really worshiping him anyway. Of course, we're getting it dorked up, so we'll have to come back and do it all over again. Stinking Karma!

Anonymous said...

what's with you and Karma lately Dolph? LOL.