So, who you gonna vote for?
Well, seeing that so many in politics are of the same ilk - with no grasp on the middle class no matter what they say - i have to boil it down to some basic key points that means something to me. After all - it is my vote - my opinion etc.... looking back after writing this - it is more like free-association more than collected, organized thoughts. feel free to criticize.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Declaration of Independence - 1776
Life - point one for me. This is simple to me and complicated to others. I have a real problem with baby killers - thats right - abortion. Anyone that promotes this - especially partial birth abortion as it is wicked and evil - God pitty their soul. black and white to me - and i think that all that are reading right now are glad that they were not aborted.
Liberty - the freedom to act. Go to a third world or socialist nation - heck leave America and see what life is like without Liberty. We have been blessed in America with Liberty and our fore-fathers died for this right against the guns of Brittan. We have liberty to live without the government paving each step we must take. we have free enterprise to ensure good services rendered....let gov take over sectors of private life and then we can belly up to the government trough...not my idea of is bondage.
Pursuit of Happiness - not the promise of happiness but the ability to pursue a dream. tough to do when your daily and life's work is being undercut. free market enterprise vs. socialistic ideals....create a more socialistic nation and you squash the very happiness out of most. I fail to see the advantage of letting gov control and govern over the daily on-goings of private enterprise. I am not an expert at all - just fed up. do i think its perfect now? Nope...just saying to promote more control by gov...take more from us to pay for such things "charity at gun point (socialism)" is not my idea of what is good for the people. just me and my untrained thoughts.
Other than the these - and I may have miss-represented them - is the character of the person and their background. In my line of work - this means EVERYTHING as it is a measuring stick for ones intent or long term goal. I am actually surprised that Obama has made it this far to be honest. there is no way in God's green earth that he could be hired in our circles yet he is running for office? i wont get into this. ... ok a bit... a good friend mentioned - in so many words " so he had a wacky pastor in the past..." well, this wacky pastor was about as un-American as it gets and very vocal about it...this alone would in any other security cleared environment - exclude him from gaining access....I guess being a God fearing - Christ loving man - the litmus test is the Bible and in the case of "that" church - for this thoughts sake - I would have to say - yikes.
Aint to keen on McCain either as he is pretty liberal for republicans sake - so where or where is Ron Paul? At least he stood on the Constitution and the founding principles by which this nation was built. I dare say that this is becoming American the Unrecognizable.
I think we all know that once in the office - not many have been able to make the changes they "say" they are going to make - we have checks and balances to even the power and not have one sided options. What I would say is 'what has this person done with what is lay before him? ' I love the ads about - Bush being so horrible - try leading a nation in the face of attack on our own soil...have we forgotten this already? oh, and the one about how the economy is horrible? really? the stock market turns south - its a gamble anyway - and all of a sudden, Bush is the martyr hung out to dry? You could have had Gore in there 8 years ago...and would it have been different? sure, either good or bad. would we have had more attacks on American soil? who knows. Good thing for the employment of spooky intel operators that protect our boarders. shoulda, coulda, woulda....
Change will happen no matter what - which is why I didnt understand O's campaign. Geez - McCain is pretty far to the left as far as Republicans, if we could have another Reagan - that would be worth a thousand elections. This nation is slipping away from its identity and former self - its like people are following the yellow brick road to Oz to only find that the dream they were following was just a normal person with smoke and mirrors.
The next 4 years should be interesting and I fear that we will be the next Canada, Sweden or KSA...