Tuesday, May 27, 2008


10 of 10
Had a great night with the boy scouts tonight - watched Dave, among others, recognized for some great work and you can say it was a proud parent evening. So after a pot luck meal - and 2 chucks of wild berry pie and homemade goodies and dishes...why not top off the high calories with a ride in the park with the B-train himself...

Work has me about as maxed out as possible...add in the family and cycling soon takes a back seat. I have to be okay with this b/c work is important and family is more important than all things. So a night ride is a good fit. a mile to the park and 3 miles clockwise and ran into Bernie riding the opposite way - turn around and complete a lap in the dark 15 miles then back home 4 more...23 miles without major sacrifice to the family and good talk time with good friends. i thought i had a good light for riding in the park - oh no - Bernie has the 20 gigawatt mini sun attached to his bike - dang - i didn't even need a light. He was burning bugs on the trail with that thing at 10pm.

Over and over again I am impressed with the Elm Creek trails - you cant carry enough speed into the climbs b/c they turn so sharp prior to the climbs...lots of intervals even at a moderate pace. I could get used to night riding - I just might have to enjoy it b/c it is the only time I can really get out.


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