Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Another Great Day
Work sure has my head spinning lately...not as bad as "some" though. However - aside from the normal do this and do that, I can honestly say that the main focus I have been excited about is starting to come together. I think that most know what I do for work, or at least have an "idea" of what I do but we are moving into some things that are really at a turning point - rather historical and pivotal for the people in Iraq. All I can say is that its a very cool thing to know you are working directly on the project that is being spoken about directly in the evening news. So, good day.... I have not ridden enough. my body slows and wants to stay slow so I literally had to FORCE myself into the mind of biking and headed out at 845pm and got home at 1030 pm and averaged 19.4mph. Night Rider - buzzing through the park and the city of Champlain. very cool. I was playing with some options on the camera phone - the night pic didnt turn out but it looks kinda cool.

Accidental shot - turned out okay

i guess it kinda worked

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