Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Night Rumble to Albertville

We had a great ride tonight...all the while Jorge was asking if this could be the 2nd best ride ever...LOL. Funny. Yes Jorge - it could be so dubbed the 2nd best ride ever. Melinda, Amy, Dan, Jorge, Steve and me (andy) headed out in moderate temps and low winds...Praise God. We opted for the 45 mile route to Albertville.

We kept it in check and kept the heat going pretty consistent - we all stayed in the fold and tucked in when needed and it was great to enjoy talking without yelling over the wind. My goal was to get intervals in for the evening so we paced it out on the long stretches and kept the speed up there for the entire ride - yes....we were all together so dont worry...we were all smiles.

Everyone did great tonight and so did mother nature. We ended up doing some yellow sign racing and Jorge was racing all the city signs that just pointed to which direction they were one I guess. Big props to Amy for sprinting the Albertville sign - the new one that we forget about all the time...good eyes and great jump on the group that wasnt ready! Its all about tactics.

Got the super-prime and Dan suggested we get an old jersey with poka-dots on it that the past winner wears on the next ride...hmmm sounds interesting.

All in all - A+ ride

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