Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday a.m.

Heading out past super prime this morning

Back home - Peter was picking the dirt chunks off the bike

For some reason - i actually went to bed at a "normal" 930pm. I am a night owl to the core and lately I have been taking advantage of this and biking at night here and there...also allowing myself limited sleep and adding in riding to prep for RAAM - who am I kidding? I will learn on the race but I can simulate as much as possible.

So back to last night...I fell asleep - and got up at 430 wide awake. I thought I was going to go nuts then I remembered...I have a mt bike. so i loafed around a bit - had a spot of food - and got geared up and headed out at 630 for some mt biking in the park. Had to make a chain adjustment and away I went . Lots of people in the park - no kidding. Ran into a mt biker on the DIYTT track - we exchanged loud hellos as we both had headphones on...

2.5 hours of ss mt biking at medium to hard effort and then I did some hill repeats up and down the back side of super prime. Got home in time to witness the mass production of Star Wars costumes for a theme party the kids were going to - it was great!

Food, star wars, food and good times... some pics to follow here of the costumes and who they are representing.

My own little Ham Salad

Dave really goes all out with costumes - this kid has a gift for details!

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