Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pincus Style...

Rode the century ride today from the shop...Fletcher, Medina, Watertown, Buffalo, Monticello, Otsego...then home...I am sure i missed a few towns in there. The wind was stiff from the north or NE or what what have you. We had 9 at one point? Ended with 5 and we had Dave Pincus with and this was his first century ride - ever. He did great - did some big lead outs, wanted to lead and push the pace and that he did....see there is a big difference between a 60 mile ride and a 100 mile ride - Dave found that out today. We found out that Dave has super powers and should NOT be scared to ride with ANYONE. Great job Dave and we all think you did superb!

lots of sign racing - Bernie got the Otsego prime, I got a handful but the super was mine in a sprint with Neil - it was a full and wonderful day of biking with neat people just having fun and it was competative.

I am sure Neil will have a much better update


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