Sunday, May 24, 2009

single speed sunday

in my efforts to balance family and bike - and it normally has not worked that well recently - I was able to sneak out for a ride in the park while the family went to the EC park...took the off road paths down to the playground and zig-zaged back on the trails to get home as well...figured about 15 miles of double track on the colnago ss.

the off-road stuff sure seems easier than last year - thank you RAAM. I kept the 36x17 gearing on the 29er and whistled through the woods at a high cadence. It was a good recovery ride after yesterdays all hills century, its not like riding in Afton for a 100 but close. Ohio street sure gets your attention.

After the ride - church...after church was ice cream and a game of catch with tha boyz...and Pete caught a beaner from David in the left sure puffed up something fierce...poor kid. after the pain subsided - he was chasing Maria around the house trying to scare her with his Frankenstein worked. Peter is good for freaking Maria out.

great day and maybe even a ride tomorrow.

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