Sunday, May 31, 2009

North to Branch

This Sat I will be biking to North Branch for a high school graduation party. Should be fun to track out some new routes etc...The party is actually in Wyoming MN but if I go to N.Branch I can get 100 miles for the day with a few laps in the parking lot to get the needed distance...

Busy week at work - busy week in getting ready for RAAM - busy week getting over allergies.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pincus Style...

Rode the century ride today from the shop...Fletcher, Medina, Watertown, Buffalo, Monticello, Otsego...then home...I am sure i missed a few towns in there. The wind was stiff from the north or NE or what what have you. We had 9 at one point? Ended with 5 and we had Dave Pincus with and this was his first century ride - ever. He did great - did some big lead outs, wanted to lead and push the pace and that he did....see there is a big difference between a 60 mile ride and a 100 mile ride - Dave found that out today. We found out that Dave has super powers and should NOT be scared to ride with ANYONE. Great job Dave and we all think you did superb!

lots of sign racing - Bernie got the Otsego prime, I got a handful but the super was mine in a sprint with Neil - it was a full and wonderful day of biking with neat people just having fun and it was competative.

I am sure Neil will have a much better update


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Physically there...

Thursday night ride. We did the Albertville ride in reverse and we wont do that again. Traffic was horrible and well...that is enough about that. My brain is almost was gone before but its really getting toasty these days. I felt like I was riding in the twilight zone - there but not there.

Did some extended burn intervals off the front by myself - chased a big county sign prime sprinting from the back to take it from Jorge at 43 mph....then I almost died when my front tire about came off - I know - its like the cardinal rule to check skewers...

headed back in the park - got home to mentally turn off and physically relax

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

tues riders...i was not there 2 ride. just 2 take pictures

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

single speed sunday

in my efforts to balance family and bike - and it normally has not worked that well recently - I was able to sneak out for a ride in the park while the family went to the EC park...took the off road paths down to the playground and zig-zaged back on the trails to get home as well...figured about 15 miles of double track on the colnago ss.

the off-road stuff sure seems easier than last year - thank you RAAM. I kept the 36x17 gearing on the 29er and whistled through the woods at a high cadence. It was a good recovery ride after yesterdays all hills century, its not like riding in Afton for a 100 but close. Ohio street sure gets your attention.

After the ride - church...after church was ice cream and a game of catch with tha boyz...and Pete caught a beaner from David in the left sure puffed up something fierce...poor kid. after the pain subsided - he was chasing Maria around the house trying to scare her with his Frankenstein worked. Peter is good for freaking Maria out.

great day and maybe even a ride tomorrow.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Century Caturday

Headed to the stone arch ride from Dayton, intercepted Mel at 694, got a call from Hogland that a bunch of NW TH riders were heading to downtown from the 318 in Minnetonka area - I never got that email about that ride...hmmmmmm. Once at stone arch - we met Dave, Bergerbergermeister, Jorge and his Raul Alcala story, Larry and John R and we all headed to Shepherd road...once at the base their group headed home and Mel and I took to the tour of hills - High bridge, over to Lillydale hill (down), over to Ohio (up) and then repeated that loop again (lillydale/ohio circuit), down the bridge, up Ramsey hill and back down summit. Mel took off about mid way back to UM campus and I ate at Dunn Bros and got home - 98 miles at the shop with a 4 mile ride home - just over 100 for the day....perfect day and Mel climbs really fast.

good to see everyone...once home we went to Culver's with the family, cub foods and now the kids are destroying eachother with jedi type moves...I am going to nap for 30 mins I think.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

thursday night fight

good night..was not was not ready.

posted a time for the benchmark for the TT deal. PERFECT weather for a TT.

I was at the shop prior to the roll-out and Larry was looking at the drive train on the cannondale and mentioned that you could actually hear the bearings in my rear hub that's not a good thing...the good thing is that they are FSA and the bearing assembly is replaceable...but no way to replace them prior to the ride...not sure how much that would affect my time but Im sure it has something to do with efficiency. Later i noticed that the bottom bracket is doing the, how long have i been riding with mashed bearings on that bike?

The group was a great - we all did the TT then did a 30 mile ride into the dusk at times...i was wiped and not ready to hammer so I should have sat in but its not easy to do that with Hogland chompin at the bit.

super prime was Dave's...a bit of cat/mouse and with the group making an effort to bridge - Dave and I jumped the sprint and i led him to victory....i did swear as he wheeled me at the line. my thoughts...i got the better workout...and i am sticking to that story... great riding with you Dave - you always make me think twice...and hey...great job on the victory the other weekend!


more random thoughts and run on sentences and mis used punctuation

With so much on my mind pertaining to RAAM it is easy to forget what fuels me beyond my impending goals.

This bike race called RAAM has been on my mind for about the past 2 years and really on my mind since last July – and now we are 30 days or less away. I have been thinking a ton about what makes me want to pursue things beyond my comprehension…and really…RAAM is amazing but more so on the solo end so I don’t want to get ahead of myself here..but all the same…this is huge – for me.

I hesitated the other day when I was consumed with all things about bikes, this race etc…was this race a defining moment in my life? Was this going to be it? Did I have plans for anything else as spectacular? I was almost ashamed to even have to think about this one…of course not. Each day my eyes open in the morning – slower on some days – my family is the reminder that all I do is worthy of my best effort and that my family is a continual defining moment of joy.
I have been through some rather scary moments in life as a husband/father in the past few years – questioning my resolve to the core. We have had times of complete failure when we had nothing further to loose. My family has been steadfast to support me as a husband and father without question through these times – scared and hopeful. So I guess today I am reminded that RAAM is not a part of my life that finishes who I am but builds it further but as a father and husband – these…these things will last as a reminder of why we get up…get out…and then live.
So in a weird way – I want to give this race to my family as they have given up so much to have me prepare for this journey. I cant imagine my life without the ones I love and to have them with me in spirit on this ride is going to be a defining moment in life for me…the race…icing on the cake.

So in looking back on time and troubles, worries and fears, failures and victories…the only constant has been God and my family…with these two wonderful, amazing and solid pillars in my life I see that life is now opening up even more…and I am able to see that life has always been a wide open book in the past…its just my inability to see the past that casts a shroud on the present.

We have so much in the small places of life…RAAM has allowed me to see these places with clarity and I haven’t even started the race yet…

Time to roll out and get back to work.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tuesday Night with Dave

Turn around point...into the wind this time.

WHAT A GREAT NIGHT to get out and pour some miles on the road. 8 started and Handyman Jeff peeled off at 144 and we continued to the Monticello Meander on this 80 deg day. Me, Dave, Melinda, Amy, Jorge, Dan and Larry finished a well paced ride through the Minnesota countryside...and I applaud all who rode. This heat was a bit more than we were used to so with that comes the reminder to load up on electrolyte stuff - I recommend E-Caps from Hammer. They do work and can save your arse on days like today.

We had two flats - me and Larry...I felt like an idiot as my CO2 stuff failed and the tire saint (Dave) picked up my slack...thanks. Dan broke a spoke today as well due to sheer power but made it in at top speed with a brake adjustment.

Sign racing was in seemed just about every dang sign was a challenge...and everyone got in on the hunt. I think some actually raced road barriers and mail boxes...makes for a good interval workout. The city signs were fought through the night...Amy, Me, Dave and I think Larry (Hassan?) and I think everyone got some sign here or there (if we are counting all signs...) The road north from Fletcher was the first big burn for me - I led out the group and kept the speed between 25-30 for two or three miles to the county sign...that sign was fought for between Larry, Dave and me - all watching eachother - who was going to go...first Dave, then Larry then I finished the sign...almost lost my lunch. Albertville sign was next and Amy jumped all over that one and got down in the tuck and burried that sign...then to Monti....Funny little ditty - the Monticello prime is interesting - it has a solid climb then drops to the sign. I love this hill - it seems to be the right grade to accelerate on. I jump 100 ft from the base of the 1/4 mile climb and gained a gap but didn't see Hogland on my left side - eased up at the top and jump the sprint and right at the sign Dave comes along side and we both lunged....winner....who really knows except God at this point so we paper/rock/scissored for the shears cut Dave's paper in half...good laughs over that one. Always interesting to ride with Dave - he always has that smile as if he enjoys the pain...its encouraging.

We pace lined the ride from Monti to Otsego (I got the Otsego prime) in single file and taking 30 sec pulls into the wind. We kept the pace at 21 and all hung in just fine - even with the broken spoke. From Otsego to Dayton was my big lead out...i think its about 2 miles from 101 to Dayton with the climb before the prime - I led to the top as hard as I could to see 5 shadows on my wheel...i had nothing left to give as Dave got that sign - good tactics Dave.

We yellow signed Dayton River Road and I edged Dave on the Cloquet Park yellow sign at the top of the hill sprint and we made wrong turns to get to super prime...some went straight...some turned and took the back way which is longer. Larry, Dave and Jorge were 100 yds ahead on superprime when we turned the corner - I sprinted at the stop sign as they crested the wall - I made it up the wall fast and tried to bridge and I was 30 ft short of edging Larry/Dave....I think Dave got super prime coasting...ugh...spent and tired we made it to the shop for recovery...good ride and even better friends.

See ya next time!

almost forgot...I did witness Melinda kiss Jorge's butt...not sure what the reason was but it did happen...always a friendly bunch.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

scouting and camping

this weekend is all about cub scouts and containing .... or unleashing the fun factor. I wont be around or really reachable as i will be playing guitar, eating smores, sleeping on rocks, cooking food, general rough-housing, drinking coffee and smelling like crap.

No biking for me - this past week was just enough to keep the furnace going for a bit - needed more miles but the ones done were tough miles - I really liked the solo night rides in the park...superb - just dont get caught.

Enjoy the weekend and kick back and relax or kick it hard.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Night Rumble to Albertville

We had a great ride tonight...all the while Jorge was asking if this could be the 2nd best ride ever...LOL. Funny. Yes Jorge - it could be so dubbed the 2nd best ride ever. Melinda, Amy, Dan, Jorge, Steve and me (andy) headed out in moderate temps and low winds...Praise God. We opted for the 45 mile route to Albertville.

We kept it in check and kept the heat going pretty consistent - we all stayed in the fold and tucked in when needed and it was great to enjoy talking without yelling over the wind. My goal was to get intervals in for the evening so we paced it out on the long stretches and kept the speed up there for the entire ride - yes....we were all together so dont worry...we were all smiles.

Everyone did great tonight and so did mother nature. We ended up doing some yellow sign racing and Jorge was racing all the city signs that just pointed to which direction they were one I guess. Big props to Amy for sprinting the Albertville sign - the new one that we forget about all the time...good eyes and great jump on the group that wasnt ready! Its all about tactics.

Got the super-prime and Dan suggested we get an old jersey with poka-dots on it that the past winner wears on the next ride...hmmm sounds interesting.

All in all - A+ ride

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

whoa...the made me a bit deaf

wed night ride with Neil, Jay and Dan.

we headed to (should preface this that if you are reading this...most likely you read Neils blog already so this is redundant) Monticello and back - dead into the wind. Man, that was not easy as the wind was brutal. 4 riders doing a 3 up pace line and pulling when we knew we could and making it work in adverse conditions. Dan - you did GREAT and very proud of you in how you managed your time on the road. Better to ease it up - gain experience - gain strength - and not explode. Wind seems to be one of those things that can mentally destroy you - much like Jays broken spoke...just know its broken decreases your "perceived" ability. Neil is right - there is no reason to pull off the front in 30+ mph winds if you are not the energy and gain strength. Dan - you did it right!

I shouted Praise the LORD when we literally turn to head to Otsego - the tail wind was nice and it wasnt so loud with wind noise. we really did a great job tonight as a group - drawing on eachother to make it work.

All in all - great night - hard effort - really hard effort and the payoff was success through the difficult ride. Neil was all smiles and I have to say I was in concert with those feelings. Good RAAM training - it was close to some 50 miles tonight


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wind from the south

Looking to head out for a group ride in 20 mph winds from the south...always a lesson in pain and teamwork....always a treat to ride north for the last 20 some miles. Will update later.

I had 45 miles logged for the night and in this wind it was nothing short of brutal. The last check I saw prior to ride showed sustained winds between 18 to 29 sure felt like it. Much worse than the last time we rode in the wind.

My good friend Andy Prest came out for the ride and Amy and Melinda were with as well. We traded off and made our way south to Maple Grove via the many roads out west...I got a bit turned around.

By the time we were heading east to Maple Grove - the rain started...felt hail...rained sideways...pelting and painful yet we had to get back to the shop....Once we passed Melinda's home Prest and I had the wind more or less at our backs and we jammed hard to get home...once at the parking lot of the shop it stopped raining - go figure.

this was a lesson tonight in riding in adverse conditions for sure. Great Job Amy, Melinda and Prest - you guys earned the non-existent but should be created - A-Team award!

Monday, May 11, 2009

at night...

Headed out in the mid evening for some riding - single speed mt bike...elm creek and urban riding. It was perfect.


Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday a.m.

Heading out past super prime this morning

Back home - Peter was picking the dirt chunks off the bike

For some reason - i actually went to bed at a "normal" 930pm. I am a night owl to the core and lately I have been taking advantage of this and biking at night here and there...also allowing myself limited sleep and adding in riding to prep for RAAM - who am I kidding? I will learn on the race but I can simulate as much as possible.

So back to last night...I fell asleep - and got up at 430 wide awake. I thought I was going to go nuts then I remembered...I have a mt bike. so i loafed around a bit - had a spot of food - and got geared up and headed out at 630 for some mt biking in the park. Had to make a chain adjustment and away I went . Lots of people in the park - no kidding. Ran into a mt biker on the DIYTT track - we exchanged loud hellos as we both had headphones on...

2.5 hours of ss mt biking at medium to hard effort and then I did some hill repeats up and down the back side of super prime. Got home in time to witness the mass production of Star Wars costumes for a theme party the kids were going to - it was great!

Food, star wars, food and good times... some pics to follow here of the costumes and who they are representing.

My own little Ham Salad

Dave really goes all out with costumes - this kid has a gift for details!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

no match!

Heading home from work to the group ride I ran into a first...a broken spoke on a very bad spot of road...the park at the coon rapids dam (the cracks really get your attention and I am not sure why i didn't take the road...the sidewalk is bad). Snap went the spoke and then the routine of wrapping the spoke up - and opening up the brakes....limp my way to the shop 5 miles down the road.

Once there - the group was just about to dice - have a nice ride guys...Matt gave me a ride home - thank you- and I grabbed the single speed 29er for a reunion ride with my ol'friend. I headed up super prime and straight into the park and did 12 miles of on/off road and then headed back to 144 and ended up at Walgreens where the group ride was resting...good timing.

Now, I obviously was not geared right - 36x17 on a 29er with 2.5 inch tires and medium psi...I held my own for a mile or two and had over 120+ rpms the entire stretch of 144. talk about cardio - hurt. once at the junk yard hill - the group had managed to pull into normal fashion and road away - expected...Jorge - thanks for keeping in shouting distance.

Super prime was a sprint for me...and a walk in the park for Perry. I sprinted, pulled and knew I was just a mule for the real deal....quick ride back to the shop via the trails and decelerated my heart at the shop before heading home. With a quick stop at the grocery store - yes king dork with cycling clothes but we needed some things - I got home for some recovery.

Just when I thought the day was shot with the spoke....i got a workout that I was not expecting on the single speed. It was good to ramp up the rpms again and I had visions of Cheq dancing in my head. I kept picturing myself spinning out in the woods - chasing down the next rider - remembering to hammer down, pull back, pull up jam it forward in smooth was a good day after all.

We did encounter another loss on the RAAM front - our final crew member had to back out for family medical issues...we are in need of one more to start - anyone?

Have a great weekend all 4 has my attention this weekend and rightfully so - they have put up with a lot of me not being around...



i tell ya...i rode into work today - PERFECT morning all around. Flawless sunrise, the cool air off the river, the local folk fishing by the bank, Van Morrison playing in my mini-juke box, the quick climb out of the river valley, the stop at the coffee shop, the soft pedal into the parking lot to end it at the front door of the building where I got off my bike in front of a lady walking out lighting a cig and blowing the first burn my direction as i was breathing in....what a way to start the work cycle...with the smell of crap on my clothes, the burn of menthol....a total contradiction to the first 35 min of my morning.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Team Iraq

should be sporting the new team kit - jersey - for the Jr. National Iraq team... this week.

It is an interesting read to say the least - here is the link...

good to see cycling is loved all over...

N Dakota Mt Training...

Headed into the wind - and headed goal outside of just riding - enjoying the sun - taking time to enjoy the view, smells and rolling road was about being alone.