Sunday, November 15, 2009

road bike

first road bike ride in a long time. spending most of my time on ss mt bike was traded for a road bike tonight. fixed a flat prior to launch, installed some cleats and dawned some cold weather gear and headed out. I am amazed that it takes about the same amount of time to get dressed as it does to of these days I'll get the system down pat. First step is keeping all gear in the SAME location - does anyone else have this problem?

went out at 9 pm, in the 20's for temp and with my new LG cold weather split mits i was nice and warm. Took till the top of super prime to get up to temp and then into the park. full lap with a kicker through Champlin on major roads. It was faster than I thought. Open roads and blasting through stop signs (not recommended) helped here to keep the tempo consistent as i didnt have to unclip once and that is unusual for urban riding. Came across some skiers on rollers skating in the streets - weird but cool.

the last 5 miles was up-tempo on the home stretch and kept the HR pretty high and the cadence at a good roll at 90 rpms. I was happy with the ride but later found out my computer was not calibrated right based on mapping my ride vs. time. ended with about 22.5 or so mph avg but thought i did close to 25. cant win em all. Heck, if i actually did do 25 I would be signing up for as many TT's as I could...but alas I didnt so I wont.

the best part of tonight was the solitude and clear thinking. cool nights and being properly dressed is a good combo. any colder and you tend to feel constricted with clothes...but I wont let that stop me from riding in dec/jan/feb.....maybe Feb as its pretty dang cold about that time. I will try to at least ride on some minus temp days to keep up with Billy V and his cold weather abilities....that guy is amazing and an inspiration.

see ya on the road yall.


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