Saturday, October 11, 2008

5 hours in the park

Crazy Lady Maria and scared David (above)

Maria and David (above)

Peter on the trail (above)

No discomfort today - perfect day with the kids!

Headed out with the kids today about noon with the bikes on the rack...thanks Ed and yes you will get the rack back. Took off from the north end parking lot and headed counter clock-wise around the park with all three. It was interesting to say the least and exciting above all that the kids were having such a blast. Made our way around the outer loop to the warming house and then took the N.Lights trail to the playground...then headed to Culvers for lunch and then to the bike shop for a quick repair on Pete's seat so that he was not in pain anymore...headed back with various stops throughout the ride...back home about was a good day and the kids were wiped out.

What a PERFECT day to be out riding. FLAWLESS! it was the slowest 20 miles i had ridden in a long time but soooooo worth it. Pete and Maria had my jersey's on and were loving each second - Dave was way out front. We took some mt bike paths here and there to mix it up. the kids did so well.

that was my Saturday!

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